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26 de Julio de 2014

Galería: Las protestas alrededor del mundo por el fin de la masacre en Gaza

Este sábado se realizaron diversas manifestaciones alrededor del mundo, en contra de la violencia y la masacre en la franja de Gaza, que ya suma más de mil muertos. En distintas ciudades de Alemania e Inglaterra se llevaron a cabo multitudinarias marchas exigiendo el cese al fuego en el Medio Oriente.


Singapore rally in solidarity with Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Stop the war in Gaza protest

Stop the war in Gaza protest

Stop the war in Gaza protest

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

Protests in London against violence in Gaza

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