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15 de Octubre de 2013

Galería: Los 15 gatos más ridículamente sorprendidos, enojados y desafiantes de internet

La página Buuzfeed hurgó en la web para encontrar posteos en Instragram con imágenes protagonizadas por mininos con caras y actitudes que dan cuenta tanto del carácter de la especie como de lo humanizado que pueden llegar a estar, situación que las hace arrasar en lo que a viralización se refiere tal y como se desprende del número de "likes" que acumulan.


Vía Buuzfeed

The cat trying to convince you she has the perfect relationship.


The cat that always thinks she's better than you.

The cat who got married 3 months ago and won't stop talking about it.

The cat who's just fishing for compliments and everybody knows it.

The DIY cat who clearly wants you to tell her you like her "projects."

The rebel celebrity cat.

The cat who has literally no idea how to use Instagram or a phone or anything.

The sports bro.

The stoner cat.


The cat who hates his entire life and wants you to know.

The annoying teenage cat who's always bitching about mom.

The annoying couple cat.The depressed cat who wants to tell you about how awful her life is, but DON'T ASK.

And the cat who thinks she's sexier than everything even though she's basic.

Para ver la lista completa pincha aquí

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